bethesda Women

Bethesda Women are women of different ages and stages doing life together! The goal of Bethesda Women is to know Him and make Him known. As we grow and mature in our relationship with the Lord, we are better equipped to nurture and serve others, and to impact our communities for Christ. (Titus 2:3-5, Matthew 28:19-20)

Our women's ministry is committed to seeking our Lord on a personal basis. We desire to teach, train, strengthen, and encourage women in their faith by walking with the Lord Jesus Christ through in-depth Bible study, whole-hearted worship, and practical hands-on support.

We'd love to have you join us for our Ladies Night events, weekly prayer gatherings, weekly Bible study, monthly book clubs, and more! Come fellowship anytime in our private Facebook Group

upcoming women's ministry events

Hang tight while we look up scheduled events...

  • Tracy Harbaugh, Women's ministry director

    Tracy has been married to her husband, Joel, a retired firefighter, for 35 years. Originally from Ohio, where they raised two children, Tracy and Joel moved to North Carolina in 2020. Tracy began attending Bethesda in September 2023 and stepped into her leadership role in the summer of 2024. Tracy has a background in Biblical Counseling and enjoys reading, spending time in nature, and doing diamond painting. Tracy is currently drawn to Acts 20:24, which reminds her of the importance of sharing the Good News. Her top adventures include ziplining in Costa Rica and participating in mission trips and prison ministry. Tracy can be reached at